I’m SO happy that Terry Fator won America’s Got Talent last night! Yay yay yay!!!! He has an amazing talent hehe and I laughed at Kermit and the CHICKENS hahaha!!! :teeth: I think Cas is a good singer but look at Terry’s talent! :grinny: Now tonight is the top 5 of Last Comic Standing! Hmmm. I’m thinking Lavelle is gonna win.

I just turned the air off because I am freezing! Oh, Brad’s Mom got this older man to come and mow their lawn so she got him to come over and cut ours today! He did an EXCELLENT job! Our lawn looks real nice now. Know what I really miss? Just being outside in general. I don’t spend hardly any time outside anymore and I’ve always been an outside gal. Going for walks, exploring woods and playing in creeks! That was me. Brad doesn’t like to go outside and I don’t really like to be by myself. Sometimes I just sit here, stare outside at the beautiful day and really miss being out there. Would love to have a nature-type job.

Hmm, I hope we actually do something exciting this weekend. Usually Brad’s cousin comes over, they play Diablo on their laptops and I play Lord of the Rings Online and.. yeah. I’d like to actually go out and do something! Hopefully we will. I love to sit home and game but It’s also nice to go out sometimes! :thumbsup: Well, off to do a few things, have a great day! :)