Oooh so I upgraded my wordpress yesterday to the latest and I have to say I LOVE the dashboard! It’s very nice! I’m gonna start trying to blog daily and It may be a while before I come up with a new layout for the site. Just depends on my creativity.

I haven’t updated about Katie in a while! She’s now 10 months old. WOW. 2 months and she’ll be ONE year! Crazy, crazy. She has learned to get up on her hands and knees recently and has started to take tiny steps here and there. She CAN sit up but most of the time tends to lean backwards instead of forward. Today Brad and I saw her pull up on her knees in her crib so It won’t be long before she’ll be pulling up to everything! She’s been saying “ma ma ma” and “ba ba ba” for maybe a month now? It’s cute. She also has been doing this happy head shake thing, lol. Silly, silly girl. Read the rest of this entry »