It’s been GLOOMY all day and started raining later this afternoon and it’s still raining and it’s supposed rain tonight and tomorrow… booo! Guess it’ll be plenty of water for all those plants that are starting to sprout and bloom!

I’ve been doing more research and thinking about my water intake. For the last year or so I would just chug, chug water even when I wasn’t thirsty. I think my problem ended up being that I was intaking too much water and diluting my system to where I couldn’t absorb enough nutrients/vitamins in the right way and that made me have all the anemia signs and symptoms. That’s my thinking. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s would make sense. I’ve only sipped on my sports water bottle (which is 22oz) and that’s been good! I read online that people having this sort of problem need to keep their intake under 32oz and some even take water pills to get the excess water off and out! I might see about getting some and seeing if that helps or does anything for me.

LAST NIGHT! After Brad came home, we laced up and decided to make a quick walk/jog right down the road and back! Brad got his little flashlight and we were off! We closed our front door since Katie was in bed… she was fine and we weren’t gone very long. It was great!!! I actually felt quite pumped aftewards, woot! I did more running than Brad… mwahaha! Brad took my blood pressure manually before we left and It was 101-102/70 and then after exercise it went up to 120/90ish! That gives me some insight so If I feel my blood pressure dropping just warm up with some exercise! I was ready for DINNER when we got back so we ate then watched 2 episodes of How I Met Your Mother Season 4… almost done with that season!

Its been a really boring day but okay none the less. After breakfast, I did a 15 minute workout on the Wii Active then just like yesterday got back on the treadmill and decided to do a walk/jogging interval! I did a mile in like 16 minutes? I actually felt GOOD! I fiddled online a little then got a shower and just hung out then ate lunch and eventually put Katie down for nap. I was getting a little cold after Katie went down for nap so I got on the exercise bike and did a light pedal for 10 minutes and it worked!!! My hands were warm! I watched an episode of Obsession then got online for a little then decided to call Mom since I was bored. I just ate my evening snack not long ago and hopefully I can keep occupied with something until Katie’s bed time.

Hope everyone has a great Friday night!!!