It is one of my favs. I know… I know. A lot of people are all, “BLAH BLAH LOVE SUCKS, I DON’T LIKE VALENTINE’S DAY”… but, I have always loved everything about love, even before Brad came into my life. I dote on love songs, poems, movies, etc, and anything with HEARTS on it, plus my favorite color is crimson red. I am thankful for Brad, that he is my husband. We’re still working to make our love stronger, but we aren’t perfect, so it’s just about working on it and loving one another.

February is flying by, which is no surprise… seeing as how fast last year and this January has gone by. Not much has been going on. Watching Parenthood, staying on top of my college work, and we’re waiting on our taxes. I’m sooooo eager to get them! Have a lot planned with it.

1 – paying off my dental treatment plan
2 – naturopath appointments to get my health in line, excited to try the new program she has for me!!!
3 – brad’s college fees & taking care of his health too
4 – potentially MOVING into a better apartment right down the street
5 – new computers, maybe??? we really need to upgrade to better ones.

Those are the plans coming up soon! I’ll feel really, really accomplished if we are able to do all of those. Katie went for her 6 month dental check up Tuesday and still no cavities!!!!! She did great, except she got scared when the chair moved. I paid more on my dental treatment plan Monday & am gonna go back Tuesday for a checkup on my gums and to get my teeth cleaned a little more and polished again.

I’m eager to see what the rest of 2013 holds for me! I won’t stop until I get my health straight and become healthy, fit, and as balanced as I used to feel. I’m praying that the safe weight loss/detox program my naturopath is gonna put me on (next time I go) will be the KEY to getting my body balanced. I have faith IT WILL. =) I’m so thankful for everything Heavenly Father has given me. I know I am so blessed. I’m so lucky to be alive and pray that each day I may become a better version of me!!! <3 Sending everyone lots of LOVE today and every day, not just Valentine’s Day. You are loved. <3