*SQUEE* I AM DONE WITH MY AA BUSINESS PROGRAM! Monday was my last class day and so I am a graduate and will get my diploma in the mail soon, woot woot. I start my Bachelor’s in Health and Wellness on the 25th, so I get a little break!!! SUCH A BIG STEP FORWARD!

– Today is day ONE of grain free. I’m taking the big leap and doing it because I’m done with not healing the way that I should and my Naturopath recommended it anyway.
– Our air has been out yesterday and today -_- and it was supposed to be fixed today, but looks like it will be tomorrow.
– Nothing new to watch, as far as TV until the 25th for the new Extreme Weight Loss eppy and then DEXTER on the 30th
– Bought a baby gate to make an area in our hallway for Echo (our ferret) to get out and run. It’s HILARIOUS to see her prance/run around LOL

That’s really all? Nothing much else going on! Hoping to go swimming soon and prob going to the gym tonight.