What’s been going down this week for me? Let’s see. I dunno why I update this thing anymore really – does anyone even read it? Haha.

> My first class for my BA in Health and Wellness is Public and Community Health and I LOVE IT. I got really into the two discussions for this first week’s work.
< Took Katie for her check up and school shots on Tuesday! She is almost 49 pounds and 3 foot 9. She passed her vision and hearing tests, plus got 3 shots. All I have to do now is get her dental check up and that paper signed for her school registration that is coming up next month (WOW!). > Finally “settling” on a consistent routine for my daily food intake, but lately i have been adding too much MCT oil to my shakes and it has had a bad impact on me… bleh. Another lesson learned. I’ll get there. One day.
< It actually hasn't been too hot here! We haven't went swimming yet because we've just been busy with other things > My neighbor’s cat had to be put down yesterday, due to renal failure (prob due to the long term use of prednisone for itching) =(
< We've been watching the HARRY POTTER movies! I had only ever seen tiny bits of a few movies, but now we're caught up to Goblet of Fire so far. > Watched the latest Extreme Weight Loss episode last night & loved it. CHRIS POWELL IS AWESOME. I totally want a career similar with helping people.
< No gym this week, between school work and Katie's appointment (that took 2 hours because of traffic/waiting time). > Pretty cloudy today, with a chance of a storm.
< Took a video of Katie and Echo playing in the hall the other day, lol. It's hilarious to see Echo prance/run around happily hahahaha. > LEAVE PAULA DEEN ALONE, SHEESH. The media always wants to stir something up. Oooo she’s not perfect, OH NO.
< Bought some new MCT oil, but do not like it nearly as much as the one I buy from my Naturopath. Ah well, gotta use it because it's a huge bottle. > I wasn’t charged for the supplements I ordered online! I guess because one of the items was out of stock and they had to delay my shipment by 8 days, so they decided to be nice – which is AWESOME and just fine by me!!!!
< I miss my best friends. A lot. …. That’s about it! Gotta go fix Katie’s lunch and finish my protein shake. Have an awesome day, rest of the week, and weekend!!! July is coming fast.