Less than 30 minutes

Almost time to say goodbye to 2015 for good !!!

I feel very accomplished! I was able to finally hang my picture frame that’s been sitting in our bedroom for like 2 years lol.

We took Katie outside and shot off a small batch of little fireworks and sparklers! She enjoyed it and is now watching cartoons until we say happy new year then it’s off to bed for her and then I’m gonna play Lord of the Rings Online for a bit before sleep!

We took New Year’s family pictures LOL they are hilarious. I’m gonna share them on instragram and facebook.

Oh and was downloading some pics off Flickr to my cellphone to make more picture collages to post online! LOVE doing that.

Alright, well let the countdown begin! Cheers to 2016! See ya next year!!!!! <3

** HAPPY NEW YEAR’S EVE** Time to rewind back to October and give highlights since then.
Mom came home as I mentioned in my last October post, but then her throat started to bother her about 2 weeks later and she said it felt like she had a lump stuck. She started to feel more tired and her voice would strain a lot. She claimed it was from the port they put in her neck and we thought It might also be mucus that needed to clear. Wrong. A few weeks later (think into first part of November) Mom’s home health nurse was coming to see her one morning and she did NOT want him to come. She told him not to come and he said- get your clothes on, I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Hah. I’M SO GLAD HE CAME because when he took her blood pressure… it was 290/whatever so he said I HAVE to call 911 and she was begging him not to but he’s like, It’s my job. Mom was highly upset and was crying (my Aunt told me this) and then I get a text from my cousin saying Mom was back in the hospital. They do a CT or MRI (can’t remember which) to find she had-had a stroke. I went online and looked up stroke symptoms… IT CAN IMPACT THROAT MUSCLES. The throat issue was an indicator of stroke but you know how it is – sometimes you just don’t know or see it coming. She spent a few days in the hospital and then came back home. Thankfully, her new blood pressure meds are keeping it NORMAL!!! However, her memory is worse and she is highly aggravated about her continued throat issue that impacts her ability to talk for long periods of time, swallowing, and even breathing. =( I know she isn’t happy with her circumstances, but she is still here!!! I’M SO THANKFUL she is still with us. We took Katie to our church’s Halloween trunk or treat and she had fun. Let’s see.. November. Besides trying to keep up with Mom’s stuff nothing much went on. Thanksgiving we did nothing, lol. Mom, my Aunt, and cousin had chicken wings and shrimp for Thanksgiving. Lol!

December 10th was our TEN YEAR wedding anniversary!!! I made him a card and he bought me new underwear, lol, and no, It wasn’t lingerie but just regular underwear that he knew I needed. =) Sometime in December I had read online from Brad’s family members that his grandma had suffered a bad fall and seizure back in October and her health was really going downhill. She was in and out of the hospital too. Earlier this month we made plans to go visit Brad’s Mom and co, plus his ill grandma. It was a great trip to see his Mom, Stepdad, and sisters. It was a blessing that we got to talk to his grandma and tell her how much we love her and how thankful we are to her for being there for us over the years. Luckily, Brad’s Aunt had built her house with a special room, just for taking care of her mom (Brad’s grandma) so they had been taking care of her through hospice and in the comforts of her daughter’s love surrounding her (all sisters were there to take shifts) she passed peacefully on December 30th. May she rest in peace.

Now here we are.. New Year’s Eve! I have been getting a bit more driving practice in. I really need to step up and get some goals into motion for 2016. We went last night to help start organizing the church library and it was awesome! I can’t wait to fix it up more and keep it nice and neat so that everyone at church can get everything they need for classes and etc! I have a lot of goals and I am gonna put EVERYTHING I have into reaching and keeping at them, all year long. Time to put some spark back into my life.

Health goals- Either go back to my Naturopath or go get a gastro appointment but GET SOMETHING figured out so I can feel better! I will try to at least get some active movement until my health is better then I want to start running again. I’m not gonna make weight loss a goal, just because my main health focus is to just get more balanced but yes, I still would like to lose about 30 pounds. One day I will. I’m still out to become a fit ninja!!!
Church goals- Family prayer every day. Scripture study every day. Church EVERY Sunday possible. Visit the Temple once a month.
Other- Get my driver’s license and a job. I have been applying since last August but It’s hard when we only have one car too. I’ll make it work. I have some cleaning goals for the house that I’m already working on, including rearranging and adding pictures on the walls.
Online goals- Blogging every day, even if it’s something short. Taking more pictures!! I have slacked on pictures for the last few years. I’m gonna be snap happy.

I pray that I can be more of everything I should be in 2016. I want to serve others more and spread inspiration everywhere and anywhere I can! Starting with here.. make your 2016 the best it can be <3 know that you are worth it <3 and that you can do whatever you want with your life <3 Random bit: I’ve been listening to old school Backstreet Boys the last hour or so, lol. anyway, I’m excited for this new year =) I’ll probably post again today!