HAPPY NEW YEAR’S EVE! I think I’ve done really well with blogging for this month, even though I didn’t make it every day but my life’s not that eventful anyway lol. You know- this has been the best year I’ve had probably since 2009, I would say.
2016 highlights and etc:
– Got my driver’s license
– Then just became more confident with driving as the year went on and I am super proud of myself for that!!!
– SURPRISE! July 3rd I found out I was pregnant
– July 9th Katie was baptized
– Katie started 3rd grade in August
– So thankful with how this pregnancy has been.. healthy baby, no gestational diabetes
– Was able to go DOWN on my daily dosage of thyroid meds! This is HUGE for me and shows how much my health has improved
– Got to spend Thanksgiving with Brad’s family
– Christmas with my side of the family, even though Mom didn’t feel well
– Thankful that Mom is still here and praying she is here to be around little Benjamin
– Thankful Brad still has a really great job
– Thankful me, hubby, Katie, and Ben are healthy
– Praying that our little man stays put as long as possible in my belly
– Was able to make some extra money for us, which is awesome

What do I wish for 2017? That I can be the best ever for my family and take on the ride of a newborn/baby in the smoothest way possible. Hoping that I can find a job that I can work a few hours at night later in the year so Brad can watch little Ben and Katie. Just going to look for the positives in life and be thankful for everything Heavenly Father has given me! Cheers to 2017 – sending out good vibes to you too!