Tomorrow starts the HEAT WAVE here…. we’re gonna have really hot temps for about a WEEK. With the heat index over 100. YIKES. I know a handful of states are gonna go through the same thing. Insanity.

Happy hump day! I stepped over to talk to my neighbor for a few minutes this morning and she told me about this wicked guy and how messed up he was… it was a story she was gonna watch on a religious channel. Anyway, I came back home and was really MOVED for some reason, thinking about that and The Gospel. I started crying and just felt like I used to… really moved spiritually. Might sound corny but it’s an amazing feeling. I used to feel that way pretty much every day and so yeah! Seems my work spiritually is improving! =)

My morning: yup… college work! pretty much took up the rest of the time until lunch. Katie had lunch then we settled down for her before nap routine of her little “scripture study”. and she loves it! I’m so glad too. She wants to pray more often and that just makes me super happy. I went over to my neighbor’s after lunch and helped her with a new online project that she took on with pinterest. I also went outside and petted the bitty KITTENS again! SQUEEEEEEE. We thought there were 5 kittens, BUT there are actually SIX. AWWW. Came back to do the usual rush rush to get everything done before the GYM. Brad was late coming home, since he went to pick up a part for the car – one of the hoses has been leaking so we’re gonna get that fixed. Well, we hope. HOPEFULLY it’s just the leaky hose… either that or the radiator. Ugh.. which we do NOT WANT. DO NOT WANT!!! Brad came home and we tried to get to the gym so we could GET IT IN! SUMMARY >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.30 miles, 111 calories
bicep curls (pulley) – 3X, 20lbs, 10 reps
tricep pulldown (pulley) – 3X, 20lbs, 10 reps
back/chest pulldown – 3X, 40-50lbs, 10 reps
shoulder press – 3X, 20-30lbs, 10 reps
virtual bike – 28 minutes, 6.91 miles, 257 calories
treadmill – 22 minutes, 1.67 miles, 205 calories

Didn’t have as much time, BUT I feel like I got a great workout. I felt sortof “off” and a little sick during the upper body stuff, so Brad and I split a small protein bar before I hit the cardio. Seemed to help a bit. Brad got an orange pushup protein shake and I had a little bit of that… it was SO GOOD. Brad says that is his favorite! Minute is the pomegrante bliss….. yummy. We hung out and talked to some people then came on back! We’re both in a good mood and I felt great after eating my turkey mix and just finished my late night snack. This is my FAVORITE time… just relaxing before bed.

I am so, so, so grateful. Just… so blessed. Counting my blessings every single day. I will be positive, I will try to be a better person day by day. And I want to inspire others to do the same!!! =)