Tomorrow is the last day of 2011! I’ll post my recap on 2011 in tomorrow’s bloggie. Today went by SUPER FAST. I woke up with a slight headache, but it went away after I drank my warm morning water. Breakfast was lots of naners. Mmmmm. Got my workout on with the Wii Active, then a little arm work on the pullup bar. My arms are still sore, but my thighs aren’t anymore. I had a GIANT smoothie for lunch… about 44oz or so. Katie played with her toys, got to watch a movie, ate lunch, then went down for a short nap. While she was napping, Brad walked to the library.

Usual Friday night – Katie @ Mom’s and we went grocery shopping. I’m still trying to find a good source for lots of NANERS. We’re gonna go to the International store tomorrow, so I can buy my juicing veggies, greens, and then see about naners. Gonna look into a local wholeseller as well.

I’ve felt a sense of “fear” today for some reason. I had a bad dream last night/this morning, whenever it was and I think that may be part of it. My body is going through a lot of changes with this diet shift and so the “fear” feeling might be part of detox. I don’t like it though. I know my body has a lot of healing to do. I’m gonna give it lots of good nutrients and hold on for the ride!

I can’t wait to see where I’ll be in a few months time with this lifestyle, woot. :D Fruit FTW, baby. We took down our Christmas decorations after we got home tonight. Byebye tree!

Time to start counting down till 2012…. ;D