Why do I eat things that make me feel bad? Sigh… my head hurts pretty bad right now. Gonna take some meds and hopefully that will help. Just ready to get rid of this infection once and for all.

Things accomplished today? Watched new Secret Life episode, cleaned the bath tub, cleaned our rat’s cage, worked on one of my college discussions for the week, sorted through our art drawer, cleaned Katie’s table + the wall by her table, andddd those were the main things! Brad came home and said his back was a bit worse. My neighbor let us borrow her heating pad, so Brad is gonna use that and she also let us have some ibprofen. Since his back was really hurting, we decided to not go to the gym today.

This evening after Katie ate dinner, I was gonna take her on a walk outside. Well, we sat on the potty and I came to help her wipe and she got down, pulled up her panties, and I told her we were gonna go on a walk. By the time we walked down the hall, SHE SOAKED HER PANTIES. There was no reason for her to do that?! Besides maybe that she did it because she didn’t get to go to my neighbor’s like usual.

Anyway, I’m gonna eat dinner and chill out.