I FEEL EXCELLENT. Today was sooo great! I gotta make this quick since I gotta start dinner plus chop up some fruits and veggies for the week. Bought some brussel sprouts and have those boiling right now for this week, yum!!!
I got up this morning and decided to start pushing my workout time later in the morning like I used to do so that when I’m done working out I can eat lunch right away instead of working out then waiting hours for lunch – which is no good for my body. I decided to go running outside since I wanted to stop by a ladys apartment since I visit her once a month with the church. It was beautiful outside and It was awesome to get to actually run OUTSIDE as compared to the treadmill! She wasn’t home so I left a note on her door then came back home. All in all I ran and walked a total of 2.7 miles! I also did a 20 minute workout on the Wii Active (More Workouts) and burned an additional 100 calories to that. This late afternoon we headed out to the store to buy groceries like we usually do on Tuesdays and this is what I ate right before we left!

~ cup of multigrain cheerios
~ cup of chocolate silk soy milk
~ sprinkle of mixed nuts, homemade granola, bran buds
~ half a PB&J Lara Bar
Got lots of goodies at the store and I bought a mini seedless watermelon that I’m getting ready to chop up and put in the fridge. I’m sooo happy I got to run outside today though! It’s gonna be even WARMER TOMORROW and even more so the next day. One word: STOKED!!!
I leave you with my ecstatic mood and bid you a good evening!
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