Don’t cha hate it when you buy new items you haven’t tried before and their AWFUL?

~ I bought new heat spray for my hair last week since they didn’t have my spray. UGH. My hair is so PICKY so this new heat spray?… Yea, left my hair nice and dead dry. Luckily, they had my spray again this week.
~ Ran out of my light buttermilk ranch dressing and decided to try something new! I think It was blue cheese dressing? Can’t remember which one exactly. One word: EW! Brad said it tasted like nail polish! LOL. I hate throwing things away but neither one of us were going to eat it… ugh. I decided to buy light honey mustard. Delicious!!

Ah well, that comes with trying new things! I’m currently LOVING all things cinnamon! Also.. MANGOS! They are soooo soo good. Today was good! This morning I took Katie out walking in her stroller and the weather was beautiful. I think I randomly walked and ran for around 30 minutes then after Katie was put down for her nap I did my usual 30 minute resistance rope workout then 10 minutes on the exercise bike. I am pooped tonight! Just sat down a few minutes ago to type this but gotta get right back up to cook dinner. It feels WONDEROUS outside right now! Got the living room window open and loving it!

Enjoy your night!