HAPPY APRIL & April Fool’s Day!
If I’ve learned anything about life — it’s that a lot depends on how you THINK!!! I always try to really break down my feelings and ask myself why I feel this way If I’m having trouble with anything and that helps HEAPS instead of just dwelling on negative thoughts and never working through whatever is keeping me from progressing in happiness.
change your thoughts.
change your heart.
Next time you’re faced with something negative or something that brings you down you have to teach yourself to recognize those feelings and then work to change them one day at a time. We shouldn’t let anything stand in our way of true happiness so don’t!!
FOOOOOD! REWIND! Let’s back up to yesterday.
Yesterday’s snack

>> chocolate protein shake
>> half a chocolate deluxe pure protein bar
>> usual cheerios/granola/nut mix
Yesterday’s dinner

>> chicken whole wheat burrito [refried beans, chopped onion, tomato, mushroom, bit o’ salsa and light sour cream]
>> baked sweet potato + cinnamonz
>> asparagus! [brad didn’t want any SO ALL MINE!]
I decided to TRY a new routine this morning. Usually I get up, eat breakfast, workout then go about my day but earlier this week I decided to push my workout time later like I used to. Noooooo good! I really, REALLY like to get my workout done ASAP in the morning SO this morning I got up, fixed breakfast then munched on half a banana for my pre-workout power fuel. Once Brad left for work I was ready to RUN. I usually take “breaks” while running on the treadmill but I am DETERMINED to start doing full, non-stop runs and today was the start! I ran 2.5 miles in 30 minutes NON-STOP! Felt awesome too, wooo. By the time I got Katie up and fed her then washed dishes I heard something I haven’t heard in a long time in the morning… my tummy rumbling!!! It was definetly time for my official BREAKFAST and so I filled my tummy with yummy.
WOW, WOW, WOW. Hello 81 degrees! How I have MISSED YOU!!!!!! I took Katie out into the backyard this morning and we sat and basked in the nice, warm sun. I already have a little color to my skin, finally!!! Hah. Seriously, it is so beautiful outside and yes, my windows are OPEN. Of course she was not pleased to come back inside but I did get a good snapshot of her when she was calm for 0.5 seconds.

Our baby girl is getting so big!!! She loves to sing. Of course I play music all day, LOL. She’s really getting to be quite the chatter box and is trying to sing all kinds of songs along with me. It’s cute. She’s currently cutting her canine teeth but she’s been great today.
WE LEAVE SUNDAY FOR GEORGIA TO SEE MY MOM! I can’t believe it’s Thursday! This week has flown by so fast!!! We gotta start seeing what we need or want to take with us. SQUEE. I cannot wait to see my Mom, Aunt and Cousin. Plus I’m happy to show them THE NEW ME! I’ve lost 30 more pounds since I last saw Mom and my Aunt. My Cousin hasn’t seen me since March 2009 so yeah, It’s gonna be a big difference for him to see!
Yes, I want to be mushy for a minute. I love my husband so much and am thankful that he came into my life. I’m forever and eternally grateful that he searched his heart for a new church that led us to The Gospel and the Mormon church. Brad helped me open my heart and eyes to God, religion and I am where I am today because he did those things. I know our love is something so real and special. I’m so happy to have this love because I know others may never, ever feel a love like it so I am going to cherish ours each and every day.
I owe it all to my Heavenly Father, always.
Looks tasty! 😀
Your daughter is so adorable! That is so cute that she loves to sing! I would play music all day too!
Have a great trip!