I want to post here more but gosh, I just don’t blog like I used to… :blank: I used to always blog about my days but I’m just so unmodivated to even post once a day.

I have a layout that I’ve had for a long time that I’m gonna use as my new layout If I get the modivation to put it together that is, lol.

Simply cannot BELIEVE it is already APRIL. I really can’t wait till May tho!!! I think Brad and I will start going back to the “beach” again soon but hello to the COLD spell we’re having ATM! It’s 32 out right now and like not even a week ago It would have been in the 70’s right now in the morning and almost 90 in the afternoons! Crazy.

Well hope you all have a HAPPY EASTER!!! We’re gonna have a very chilly one!!! Go hunt those eggs and I’ll work on getting modivated to get going with this site! UGH UGH UGH. :yell: