Wow, again, I want to say a big thank you to all the people who commented on the last entry about the new theme! Thank yoooou. :grinny:

Friday is my day of cleaning. I got up this morning, ate breakfast and logged onto ChaCha and worked for a bit before logging off to take a nap until Brad came home for his lunch break. He wakes me up before he leaves. I always dread having to clean haha but once I get started, I feel great about it. I actually spent a little bit more extra time cleaning the bathroom. Ugh, our bathtub needs an intense scrub cleaning. Brad works at a factory and comes home with dirt & such all over him and It’s staining the bathtub slightly so I need to buy some cleaning supplies to really take those off. Our extra room (where most of the animals are) was getting way too dusty so I dusted a bit. Cleaned the rest of the apartment and now I need a shower! I feel really good right now after doing that cleaning so that’s definetly a plus! And It’s Friday, the start of the weekend! :cool:

What’s in store for this weekend… hm. I dunno. Thinking about going to visit my Mom since we haven’t seen her since last month. We also might get a little tipsy! But who knows!

Have an awesome Friday night!!!! :wink: