I’m about to eat some very yummy hot & spicy wings for supper! Yummy! :tongue: We went to the store not too long ago to pick out what we wanted to eat. Also, there’s a new limited edition pepsi out! It’s a fruity one and It’s pretty good! :thumbsup:

My ear is doing better but It tends to hurt more first thing of a morning, which, is expected with most aches and pains. My ear still hurts when I yawn big too but hopefully all the pain will be gone real soon!

Memorial Day weekend is on it’s way! Wanted SO badly to go swimming and we might but there’s no way I’m putting my head under because of my ear but the best part to me about swimming is going under water and going all over the place so I dunno, we’ll see. We might go out with some friends, I hope so!!! That would be very nice to finally go out with people again. Only time we do see Brad’s friends are if they come over for like an hour or so but that’s better than nothin!

This week has really gone by fast, tomorrows Thursday! I spent a lot of yesterday evening cleaning and organizing different things around the apartment. The food cabinet, our extra room closet, our bedroom + bedroom closet and stuff in the bathroom! Also dusted in our extra room coz boy was it dusty! Felt great to get that all done but I still feel like I need to do more! Our bedroom is so PLAIN… need to buy a few pictures to put up on the wall to make it… whole? Heh. Anyhow, I’m gonna go eat my hot & spicy wings then probably go play some Lord of the Rings Online eventually! Have a great evening and Thursday!!! :grinny: