Back to Sunday night, once again! Got some cleaning done today which I’m proud of, lol. Brad and I cleaned out Trev’s (our iguana) tank and gave him LOTS of food! Brad went and bought some more coat hangers and some SOS pads for me to clean with. Cleaned out the bathtub good. Also, Brad helped me clean out our bedroom closet. It was looking way messy. Went through LOTS of clothes and hung up this and that. Closet looks very nice now!!! Also did lots of laundry today, still got the last load in the dryer that I’ll fold tomorrow. :smile:

I was laying in bed the other night, thinking about what It will be like to hold my own baby. I even cried a little thinking about it, heh. What a delightful thought! Thought about his/her little feet and hands! So far I haven’t really felt sick to my stomach unless I wait too long to eat. I might wake up one day and morning sickness hit me full blast! I do have a little bit of constipation going on.. :oops: I know my hormones are GREAT right now though because I haven’t felt this good in a long time! I’ve had more energy lately which is just fantastic. When my hormones were unbalanced I always felt out of energy and like my feet were dragging. I’m just one happy preggo lady!!! :-D

Wooooot! :smile: :-D