Mommy’s milk

Today I used up the last 5oz frozen breastmilk for Katie so I guess now I’m stopping pumping all together. The last month? 2 months? I’ve only been able to get at most 5oz and that was only in the morning and any other time I could only get at most 2oz. I’ve been pumping since 1 day after Katie came home from the hospital so I think I’ve done a great job but I know If my boobs could talk they would scream, “TIME FOR A BREAK!” because over this last month or so I’ll get random times where they’ll actually bleed and hurt a LOT. She’s almost 6 months and I was trying to do my best to last till she WAS 6 months but she’ll be 6 months in 11 days so I came close. She’s eating more than I can produce and I just feel like I’m torturing my own boobs so I know this is for the best.

I have to say I’m happy that I don’t have to pump anymore every couple hours EVERY DAY because that’s what I’ve done for the last almost 6 months. Of course I’m so happy that I did pump for her so that she could have the breastmilk but everything must come to an end and I’m doing what I feel is best for myself and my boobs. It has definetly been an interesting almost 6 months and I think I know my boobs now better than ever LOL.

Let’s just hope the drying up process won’t be too bad… :geek:

Wow the modern bedroom sets are really gorgeous! I have been talking to my husband about trying to put back some money when we can to try to save up for a new bedroom set. I’m totally jealous of my cousins bedroom set. He has a sleigh bed with a downy comforter and a mattress that I think gave me the best sleep of my life! I would love to have a pretty theme going for our bedroom too. The Modern line looks very fancy! My poor old bedroom dresser has just about seen its last days. It was orginally wood brown then Mom and I repainted it white a long time ago now It’s just chipped all over it so It’s not too attractive but It holds our clothes so that’s what counts.

I’ve never been to Las Vegas but I’m sure getting a hotel there most of the time might not be the easiest thing or maybe I’m wrong? I really find appreciation in hotel sites because they help you find the kind of hotel you need or want. Use their website to find las vegas hotels and take a weekend off to the big city! Also, what’s a trip to Las Vegas without a stop at a casino?? I know I miss the big city ever since we moved away from Georgia.

Ah yes, more about life insurance! With the term life insurance you are covered for a certain amount of time which differs from the other life insurance policies. For instance, If you and your spouse were to purchase something pricy and then something were to happen to you the term life insurance would insure that whatever big purchase you made would be covered so that your spouse would not have to pay for it. The term life insurance can help protect your family from debt or financial trouble.

I just have to laugh at the legal commercials I see on TV these days. Not that someone getting hurt or misdiagnosed is humorous but the way they make the commercials sometimes really is. If you’ve had a intra-articular pain pump from shoulder surgery and are having signs of PAGCL then you can go to their website for the pain pump and send in your rapid response because you may be entitled for legal compensation. Of course you’ve heard about so many of these different cases. It’s actually quite scary to see all these drugs and procedures going wrong but people should definetly pay attention to these ads.

Alright so we all hear about life insurance all the time. Life insurance is a very important item to have because in life we just never know when something is going to happen to us or a family member. Of course thinking like that isn’t the happiest terms to talk on but It’s all part of taking steps in insuring our families are ok when that bad event does happen. Take some time and look at life insurance quotes so your family can have a sort of safety net in terms of life insurance.

You can get affordable, cheap life insurance without a hassle.

One thing that our new apartment does not have is ceiling fans! Which really bites because I did enjoy our one ceiling fan we had at our duplex apartment. It was in the living room and provided a circulation of cool air in the whole room. When I was looking into fixing up Katie’s nursery, I wanted to get her the mini ceiling fan with multi-colored blades. You’ve seen those haven’t you? I’m sure you have. Their so cute! Ceiling fans just add more to your rooms and hey, who doesn’t love cool air espically when the room gets hot or stuffy. I love picking out ceiling fans that go along with the style or color of the room. Give your house or apartment a new ceiling fan and add a touch of style.


As people we already have lots to deal with in our lives and to have to deal with a pesky acne problem as well is no fun. Our skin is very sensative. Of course some way more than others and some not so much. I know with me and wearing jewelry I can’t wear anything gold without making my skin break out and itch. We need to take care in choosing what sort of acne treatment is the best for our skin. There are lots of home treatment for acne but what is best for you all depends on your skin and what is needed most. The Acne Cures Revealed website has a list of the top treatments for that annoying and pesky acne problem.

Find the right treatment for your skin and keep your skin beautifully acne free.

I feel the need to post after seeing P.S. I Love You. Of course I’m crying right now but that was such a great movie. And HELLO Gerald Butler = SEXY. ESPICALLY the Irish accent.

Just makes me think. You know when It all boils down to it, money and material things don’t matter. All that matters to me is love. WARNING: this post is getting all mushy gushy but I don’t care that’s what I am all about. What Brad & I have is so special I can’t put it into words. You know how you like someone or have a new relationship and that bond is still forming so you don’t feel it completely yet? With Brad and I, I feel like there is nothing hiding and everything wholesome. I think about our love and just burst into tears. A lot and I mean A LOT of guys wouldn’t sit through romantic movies but Brad has always been right by my side through them all. I told him that tonight – that a lot of guys wouldn’t do that and he just smiled. You hear that phrase “He completes me” a lot in romance movies but It’s 100% true for us. I mean that with my whole heart. I would feel lost without him. If my heart could burst with happiness, It would because of the utter joy I feel just being able to spend my life with him. Our love means everything to me and I cherish it with every second that we get to make it grow even more. Tonight when I said goodnight to him and was laying in his arms, I didn’t want to move, ever because being embraced by him is something that I could do forever. I looked at him with tears in my eyes, “Always?” He looked at me and said, “And forever” Then kissed my forehead. He is such a great guy and I’m forever grateful that he came into my life. How lucky am I to have that opportunity to share such a strong relationship with someone who feels the exact same way as I do. I could go on forever about our love. I love it. I love talking about it. Just cherish every moment you have with your loved ones because we never know when today might be the last and there may never be a tomorrow.

I know, I know. Mushy love but It’s a good love. No, It’s a great love. It’s our love. Always.

And P.S. I love you Brad.