Bah. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while… just haven’t been in the mood for blogging. First up, I haven’t exercised any this week because of my health issues which REALLY SUCKS. I feel so bored and out of whack when I don’t have my exercise!!!!! I’ll see how I feel Monday and hopefully start there!

Tuesday was insane. Come to find out I have gall stones and am supposed to hear back from the Docs office on an appointment with the surgeon to see If I need to get my gall bladder out or not. They sent me for x-rays for my back and I wound up with 2 big Cortizone shots! One in my back and the other in my hip… yeah those go DEEP, YOUCH. For the palpatations he gave me a prescription for Toprol to hopefully help with that. The shots helped!!! The intense pain is gone but I still have some pulling and nerve pain in my lower back and into my legs.

UGH. I’ll be glad when I get all this resolved and over with. I still have felt tired, have had random dizzy spells when I get up and still not feeling right. What else? Not much.. we’ve been trying to figure out our finances. Money is definetly evil. EVIL!