I must update this blog more often! I was getting very good about blogging every day but lately I just haven’t been motivated to as much but I will try!!!

Sunday we got let out of church EARLY!! That is very very very rare! We usually have 3 hours worth of different meetings and Sunday we only had the 1st meeting because the water was messed up at the church so going home early felt weird but was nice. We actually came home then later loaded up again to go to the pond to try to feed the ducks! We brought some old cereal but they weren’t interested really. Haha. We saw a beautiful white crane that was randomly flying and landing around the pond.
Monday I actually got on the treadmill and did 3 miles! My thighs were a little sore the next day but WOO felt good to jog again!
Tuesday was my appointment to see the surgeon to see If I needed the surgery to take my gallbladder out. The surgeon was so laid back and nice! He’s an older guy but he was great. Basically, he said I’ve had the stones for 25 months so he suspects I developed them from pregnancy. He recommended that I do have it removed because it could potentially lead to even more symptoms and then bigger problems that would lead to emergency surgery. He asked me what I wanted to do.. and I’m like do I want to do the surgery? I told him yes. I’m thinking in my head… well, no I don’t want to have surgery lol but I know it’s whats best for me. I’m sooo nervous and scared since It’ll be my first surgery and I’ve never been put to sleep. I go in this coming TUESDAY! I’ll be out the same day too, woot. Only problem? I can’t lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for a week after the surgery.. ugh. Which MEANS I will need help here with Katie almost all day for a week. I’m hoping we can somehow get my Mom down here because I don’t know of anyone else honestly who could be here almost all day. Ah well, we’ll get it figured out. Which also means I’ll have to take another week off from exercise… bah!!!!!

Also have another exciting event coming up but I’m gonna wait till later to reveal it, mwahaha! :)