Sigh… I’m pretty sure I have a sinus infection. Started taking sinus pills tonight so I’ll take those every 4 hours until I CAN BEAT THIS. Really sucks. I woke up at almost 5AM this morning and couldn’t breathe LITERALLY so I got up, stumbled in the dark to the bathroom to blow my nose and had a hard time getting back to sleep. THEN when I woke up this morning, I couldn’t get my breath because my chest was slightly congested. Ugh. A friend from church came to temporarily fix our kitchen sink till he can replace the pipes so he did that and left. Brad’s Mom stopped by for a bit and then Brad had to get ready to head out to go see the Army Recruiter and he wanted me to go with him. I felt terrible… I did not want to move but I wanted to support him so I decided Katie and I would load up with him and go. We got there an hour and 10 minutes early haha so we wound up walking around the mall but I was just dragging along as best I could. We would walk a bit then sit for a while. I just wanted to sleep. We had the meeting and everything went fine! He needs to lose about 10 pounds and only ONE person body fat so I know he’ll do fine!!!! He goes back Wednesday for his long ASVAP test and we’ll go from there. I’m soooooooo excited for him, for us!

We drove back home and between the heat, my sick and having that trip I wanted to come home and stay. We had our church family home evening gathering that we usually have once a month but I did not want to have to go out in the heat again feeling as SUCKY as I have. I mean, usually If I feel a “little” bad I’ll do stuff anyway but today was just torture for me so I am ready for sleep for sure. Hopefully I won’t wake up in the middle of the night again. SO Brad is going on a no fat diet to work those last pounds off and we’ll have to figure out a new shopping list so we’re gonna work on that and head to bed soon!

I’m definetly ready for it.