I WENT WALKING TODAY, WOOOOO! My legs feel sooo heavy though so I got some work to do, hah. Brad got up and ran some errands then came back and started to mow the yard. I got Katie all ready and we set out for our WALK! I walked a little over 4 miles and I do believe my legs aren’t going to like me tomorrow! It was almost noon when we got back and we just all hung out till Katie’s nap time. I fixed my smoothie to go in the freezer then took a nice shower then Brad started to get ready and get his things together since he was leaving around 3:30pm to take some girls from church to the church camp and they wanted him to help out so he’s staying the night out there until tomorrow around noon SO Katie and I are HOME ALONE!

We’re both done with our dinner and Katie is being good and playing with her toys. I’m pretty tired… and still a bit stuffed up. Also think I might feel a headache coming on, ugh. Katie’s going to bed soon so after she goes down I’m not sure what I’ll do? I could just browse the net or watch a movie? Hmm. We’ll see!