Today wasn’t too eventful, tbh. We got the notice yesterday that our lease will be up at the end of March so I contacted a friend from church who can help us start looking for a HOUSE! Well, as long as we get approved. We’ll see. I did not feel well this morning so I took a long nap. Ugh, stupid chronic epstein-barr. It really sucks. Also doesn’t help I’m going through detox with trying to stay away from the foods I’m sensitive to.

Brad was dealing with vertigo today that made him feel meh too, so he’s taking a nap since he just got off work not long ago.

I plan on relaxing and watching the ChicagoOne crossover event that started last night with Chicago Fire and Chicago Med! I should go back and start from the beginning with Chicago Fire, since I LOVE the other 2 but never picked up Fire… yet.

I also read Bones isn’t coming back until – OCTOBER?! =( I don’t want to go that long without B&B!

Well, off to get a few things done before I sit down to watch the shows. I’m so thankful, grateful, and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has given me! <3 Have a great night =)