After trying to set up both Brad’s docs appointment, along with my driving test- it finally landed on Brad getting an appointment today and my driving test for the 21st!! AHH, I can’t wait to get it over with haha.

The ear, nose, and throat appointment for Brad proved that his vertigo is not from certain particles in the ear or something. So, next is to see the audiologist to check out his balance and inner ear. If nothing from that then he will go to a neurologist.

Mom has to go back for results from her biopsies on the 20th and go to the hospital to swallow a capsule camera to look at insides, think that mainly helps to see what’s going on with the small intestines, especially since she’s had such trouble with stomach and digestion for a long time. We had a good laugh about her pooping that out, lol. I watched the latest Biggest Loser tonight- was awesomeee.

Nothing too eventful about today, except for the above. Over and out for Tuesday!