Well, well. I did my usual last night but didn’t feel my usual tiredness around 11:30-midnight so I cleaned a bit more and washed dishes then Brad and I did our usual rubbing/massage before bed so he went onto bed but I just felt reallllllllly heavy overall and still was not one bit tired then I started having contractions around 1AM or so – then I got a piece of paper and timed them. They stayed consistent for HOURS and about 3-5 minutes apart and seemed to be lasting longer as time went on… lasting about a minute with every contraction. It didn’t let up. They didn’t hurt but felt pretty intense squeeze-wise. I just kept waiting then wondered how long I should wait. I finally woke Brad up at about 4:30AM and told him about the all night of contractions so long story short- Brad went and picked up my Aunt, who stayed over to make sure Katie got up, dressed, and on the bus for school- while we got all our bags and headed to the hospital after I had talked to the labor line nurse and she said to go ahead to the hospital. After we got there, signed in, into the room then people came in and I had to sign this, that, and the other and finally was eventually checked. 2-3cm dilated! Again, long story short… I was on the monitor for contractions off and on then we also took walks down the hospital hallway off and on for over 2 hours. Time passed and I was still the same later on.

Midwife said that it would be best to go home and wait for things to pick up. I just needed to dilate past 4cm so if we can get some change we’ll be able to stay at the hospital and wait for things to progress there. We saw new babies and heard one crying too! AHHHH. I was EX-HAUSTED. I took 2 small naps but that’s all I’ve had. We’re gonna try a few things to see if that helps me progress tonight.. would love a Valentine’s Day baby!!! I think It’s gonna be sooner rather than later. Just need to get into active labor.

Might be another all nighter but I’m ready!