Holy crapola! My knees, upper legs and butt are SO SORE. It really hurts going up and down the stairs, lol. I did the same plan for exercise that I did yesterday except I did a different preset workout on the Wii Active. Thank GOODNESS It wasn’t as an intense workout as yesterday but still hard!!!! I’m DEFINETLY taking some ibprofen tonight to hopefully help me lol. I’m SO PROUD OF BRAD! He’s attempting the 30 day challenge for the Wii Active and last night was Day 1 for him! He came home from work and got started. He got a little frustrated with the incline skating but kept going and burned almost 200 calories!! This makes me EXTREMELY happy!!!! I really hope he does Day 2 tonight. I love him so much and I WANT him to do this with me and I KNOW he wants it too!

I love him so much. My heart belongs utterly and completely to him and It will always. I look forward every night to him coming home so we can eat dinner and hang out together. He is and will always be my everything.

Alright, gotta get up and get going again. Katie’s awake now from her nap so I’ve gotta go fix her dinner, put laundry in the dryer and wait for Brad to call me on his last work break!!!!!!!! Have a great evening!