Today has been hard. Brad came home this morning after 11AM and I could tell he had been crying. I was thinking… oh no, please tell me he didn’t get fired. Nope, apparently he did something wrong at work and got a warning and then talking to his work coach led to bringing up the main stress in his life. Apparently a past event has been eating away at him since It happened and this was years ago. He broke down at work to his coach about it then his coach told him to go ahead and take a paid day off with the way he was feeling. I’ve felt pretty glum the whole day too because I can feel part of his burden. He’s gone right now to go talk to a guy from church about it and I hope that person can help him atleast a little bit. I tried to talk to him about it and he said I helped a little…

I just want him to be happy and I hope somehow, someway he can overcome this and not have it bringing him stress every day.

Ugh and it’s been raining allllll day. Boooo. Anyway, I’m gonna go fix my snack while Katie naps.