Welcome to September! I can’t believe how FAST this year has gone! Seriously!!! October until the New Year are gonna be all holiday packed months but I cannot wait until the New Year because for once I’m happy to bring a new year with the way I’ve changed my life!!!!

Brad knew he was gonna go help people today at church so we decided we’d go ahead and get grocery shopping over late last night. I fed Katie her dinner then we loaded up to go buy groceries. We came home and I put Katie straight to bed then put away groceries and eventually cooked a very late dinner. We had Tuna Helper plus while I was at the store picked up 2 ears of FRESH corn and one sweet potato! It was all VERY delicious! If I had a garden I would definetly want to grow corn and sweet potatoes as they are my favorite. Espically the sweet potatos.. I could eat those all the time by themselves with nothing on them! I was SOO exhausted last night. Katie has a cold and Its trying to come onto me but I’m doing everything I can to fight it off. I’ve still been very tired today and will probably be exhausted once again by the time we go to bed tonight.

I’m just chilling out now and Katie is running around playing with her toys. Brad has been gone since 2:30pm then came home to eat at 5pm then left at almost 5:30pm and probably won’t be back till 8pm or a little later. Eh, the buzzer for the dryer just went off… guess I need to fold those!