Every day we all make complaints about this or that but then I think about the people who have nothing. Brad was reading an article about some people who only had dirt pies to eat. DIRT. I look in my fridge at all the food I have and I feel so fortunate. I think of the hard times Brad and I have been through including pretty rough living conditions and then look at our gorgeous 2 story 3 bedroom apartment we live in now and I realize we are more than blessed for all that we have. No matter how rough of a day I’m having, I always try to remember the many blessings that I already have and to think of so many others who have nothing. :blank: Look around you and behold all the blessings you have within your life and let that bring joy to your heart. :)

Being religious has taught me to value my life and every second I get of it. To strive to be a better, happier person each day that I live. To place family and love above everything else and not let stress, money or worries take away from that happiness I find with my family. That can be a very hard thing with all the bad in this world but I let my faith guide me away from the negative.

I’m grateful for this day. We got a little bit of rain but that only made it a bit muggy outside. I took Katie upstairs this evening so I could fix my hair while she played in her crib and when I was done I went into her room and she had laid down and went to sleep! She slept just for a little and now she’s playing with her toys. I’ve now taught her to say “yay” and it’s so cute!!! :D :D I’m still working on the site and fixing up the pages and I’m happy to say I got some of that done today, yay! Guess I will attempt some more of that right now before I have to get up and fix Katie’s dinner. :smile: