Whooops! I haven’t posted in a few days so here’s a bit of a summary. Sunday was good. We went to church and then that afternoon into the evening was spent going through our storage room. I wanted to go through almost everything and see what I could donate to our local thrift store. We spent hours going through things then had to stop because Katie woke up and I needed to feed her so decided to continue later. After she was fed dinner, I went back upstairs to put things back and I’m pretty sure I pulled something in my back… ugh. We did wind up donating quite a lot!!! Monday we went to donate all those items then went to our church parking lot to play some basketball and enjoy the beautiful day! Afterwards we stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up a few things then head home. We just went grocery shopping today and that’s the biggest highlight for today really.

I haven’t felt right either.. my stomach has been bothering me today plus my back so I took a rest day for my exercise. That REALLY sucks but my back was already hurting yesterday and I did my exercise anyway and It made my back a little worse. I guess I’ll see how I feel tomorrow. Katie is now cutting 4-5 new teeth and that has come with fevers and runny diapers, ugh. She’s had 2 incidents where I’ve went to get her up and poop was randomly all over her bed from an overflowing diaper. Yeah… lots of fun. My Mom suggested I feed her something more solid for dinner so I did and YES IT WORKED! Thanks Mom!!!!! YEEHOO!

The weather was SO BEAUTIFUL today! Clear bright blue skies and the temp was just right. It’s pretty chilly tonight! Currently 61 but supposed to get cooler into the night. Sooo lovely!!! :)