Since we’re going to be gone for most of tomorrow I decided to get the house cleaning done so that could be out of the way and I wouldn’t have to mess with that later so that meant I had to get my fun Friday workout in plus all the house cleaning but I used my super housewife powers to get it all complete! We’re going with church friends tomorrow to our church Temple and I am so excited!!! To get to go to the Temple again, to spend some time baby-free, to spend more time with our new friends. SQUEEEE.

Speaking of baby. Brad and I came downstairs to eat and whatnot this morning and we heard a giant THUD then like 5 seconds later Katie screaming. Yup. She attempted to get out of her crib and fell. By the time we got in there, she was standing on her bedroom floor so not sure how she landed. I straight up TOLD HER NO – that she CANNOT DO THAT. She was really shaken up by it and later at nap time didn’t even hardly stand in her crib, which, is GOOD but If she keeps on she’s gonna start getting spankings for it. I will not have that.

OK so I’ve gotta make sure I get all of Katie’s food readt for my MIL tomorrow plus fix my lunch and snacks to take with me. I didn’t get a chance to cut Brad’s hair the other night so he wants me to definetly cut it tonight. I dunno If we’re gonna go somewhere and hang out afterwards tomorrow or just come back to our place and hang out. Either way – YAY!

Yum I just finished drinking a cup of chocolate soymilk and It was so good!!! I remember before I started eating healthier I would cringe at even the word SOYMILK but oh how my tastes have changed for the better. SO MUCH. I get excited over all the healthy foods I eat now, lol. Yup big dork here but I’m a happy big dork!!!