We had quite a few errands to run today and the day turned out excellent! Started out with some nice cuddling and alone time with my hunny bunny. A bit later on, Brad took Katie out with him to pay some bills and get some gas SO I WAS OFFICIALLY HOME ALONE FOR 20 MINUTES, WOOOOOOOO!!! I went ahead and got on the treadmill and did 3 miles and they came home a bit after I started. Katie got to stay up a little later this morning then I put her down for a nap and she has REALLY been giving me a temper tantrum when I lay her down at nap and night time so I’m hoping that will be stopped sooner than later. After our lunch, Katie’s nap, my shower, hair fixings and whatnot, I fed Katie then we headed out for more errands!

~ First stop, produce store!
~ Second was Wal-Mart for a few things
~ Lastly, we stopped by to visit a lady from church for my visiting teaching

We didn’t get home till 7:30pm! Katie was a bit cranky so I fed her dinner then put her to bed where she threw ANOTHER temper tantrum. Tonight I chopped up all my new fruits and veggies. I BOUGHT BLUEBERRIES, HECK YES. We just finished going over our church lesson and I’m about to get up and fix our dinner! We’re trying chopped, baked zucchini so I’m excited!!! Along with that we’re having boca burgers and steamers veggies!! I’m hoping if it’s not too late that we’ll play some scrabble since I’ve been wanting to! Okie, off I go!!!