Thank you guys for the comments on my last post! Yeah, this whole TTC thing hasn’t been easy but I’m hoping and gonna keep on trying.

I think instead of doing online work I need to get myself out there. This is sad but I’ve never had an outside job. Brad does not like his job at all. We’re thinking about going for a Dell call support center job. Brad’s friends work there and Brad has always wanted to work there – only thing that stopped me is because I don’t like to talk on the phone. I figure though If I just go for it, maybe I’ll even adjust to liking to talk to people on the phone. If we both worked there we’d be making about as much as Brad does by himself so yeah. He wants to leave his job he has now so bad. I need to get Brad’s Grandma/Grandpa to take me to get my ID and while I’m there I’ll even pick up a driving booklet so I can get my permit so atleast I can practice driving safely haha. Once I get my ID, I’d like to get my own bank account.

I think I would be so much happier out working. I’d actually feel like making myself all pretty and I know we would make friends up there. Mostly all the people up there are young and we can wear ordinary clothes and I can keep my piercings!!!! And the job has lots of benefits, paid vacations, paid holidays. If Brad puts in a 2 week notice that should give me enough time to get things situated. I know we would both get the job because lots of Brad’s friends have worked there and we know one of the main guys.

Lastly, I think I need to get out there because I tell you, my social skills are nearing low numbers haha. Ever since High School ended, I haven’t had much contact with anyone. And I know having my own outside job would make me feel better to know I’m making a decent amount of money to help me and Brad, we’d be working together for it. Only thing is, we’d have to have similar hours since I don’t drive yet. I love staying at home but there is so much more out there and I don’t want to waste my life away! I want friends too. And I’m sure I can get atleast a handful of people up there to start playing Lord of the Rings Online since most of them are mad gamers mwahaha! :]

I need to focus on getting the job, eating as good as I can, get back to exercising 6/7 days of the week on the treadmill like I used to (that was the ONLY way I lost weight was to exercise a LOT, like 3 miles a day) then when all is said and done for the day Brad and I can come home to our games, lol.

Okie gotta go make our bed and wait for this Lord of the Rings Online server to download – they have an “extra” server for when the others are down (their down for maintenance until 3PM) and the server is at 72%! Once It’s down I get to go on there and preview the new player HOUSING that’s coming out at the end of this month, woot! Heh I’m such a LOTRO nerd :]