Hah I’m getting so bad about not updating this thing!

Not much has been going on… It’s just been raining, raining, raining here. Today it’s actually really chilly outside! In the 50’s! That’s the coldest It’s been during the day since… last fall I guess! Ugh, I don’t want it to get really cold. I don’t like the cold. My bones hurt, my hands and feet stay cold CONSTANTLY.

Just mostly been playing Lord of the Rings Online! :D And I’ve been working on my Kinship (Guild) website and I think It looks pretty nifty. Besides playing – just been doing the usual. Doing a bit of exercise, watching my favorite tv shows and being on the computer lol.

I really do wish Brad and I could move somewhere new though and I’d like both of us to have decent paying jobs, that would be nice. A job that both of us atleast half-way like doing because Brad certainly does not like his job now.

Anyhow, *wave*