What a DAY!!!!!!!! I’m so happy I can’t even explain it!

SO my temp the last few days has been higher than usual.. I thought well, I’ll see what my temp is gonna be Wednesday then go from there. I thought, ah, my temp will probably fall back down. I woke up this morning and my temp was 98.66!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking OMGGGGGG, THIS HAS TO BE IT! I dug out my pregnancy test I’ve had stored away in my closet for the last, like, 6 months LOL! Today I am 15DPO so I was gonna surprise Hubby, sneak and get the test, go in the bathroom this morning but I knew he would be right at the door wondering what was going on, lol. So I told him I was gonna test! :D He smiled at me as he stood in the kitchen and I closed the door.. I was already shaking! SO, do my thing and set the test on the counter and wait wait wait. In the past I’ve always held my hand over the test so I couldn’t see it LOL. So once I waited a bit, I peered over my hand… Read the rest of this entry »