I’m having to really keep an eye on the weather today! So far we’ve been under 2 different tornado warnings this evening. Brad came home for this lunch break @ around 2:45PM and the tornado sirens were going off as he came into the house so we went ahead and cleared out our living room closet. Waited, waited and then we went ahead and got in the closet. We got Katie up – she was just up from her nap so her diaper was poopie. We took our chinchilla and put him in his little ball and we all crammed in, lol. That was interesting. After a while we got out and eventually Brad went back to work. Little while after he left, we were under another warning but that didn’t last long and now we’re under a watch. Gonna have ANOTHER line that’s coming in later this evening and then all day tomorrow is gonna be stormy! Ugh… my Mom in Georgia is also getting some storms so overall some very stormy weather for the south.

My living room is a mess with all the closet stuff everywhere but I figured I’d keep it out just incase. I still need to finish cleaning the upstairs part of the apartment and I think I might attempt to get some of that done after I post this and also keep an eye on weather because If anything I can run grab Katie and get in the closet.

On a happy note!!! The plan for my exercise this week WORKED! I did a bit less than I usually do, stepped on the scale this morning and lost 3 POUNDS, WAHOOO! I think It has to do with balancing calories and the amount of exercise. If I eat too many calories but don’t do enough exercise, It’ll mess it up. If I do too much exercise and not eat enough calories, that’ll mess It up too — which is what happened last week!

Alllright guess I better go check the weather again then see about getting a little cleaning done atleast! Here’s to hoping we don’t get blown away with all these storms!