I have NO idea what to blog about tonight…

We have two busy days ahead of us, I know that. Well, possibly busy. If we intend on going swimming Friday then we need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I just know I want to get some sun! I finally got finished doing laundry for the week! Put away the rest of Katie’s clothes tonight and I’m DONE with laundry until Sunday! I still have some dishes to wash tonight and I think I wash dishes atleast 4-5 times a day haha.

I’m getting quite hungry and can’t wait to start cooking dinner! I have this leftover frozen shrimp so I’m thinking of putting that and a few things together as a side dish with our chicken sandwiches. I was looking to add more protein for today so as a snack earlier today I fried an egg and put a piece of cheese on top and it was actually very good! Ohhh and my turkey breakfast sausage is VERY good. I loooove to have eggs and sausage for breakfast. I might look into hashbrowns too but I bet those have a lot of carbs. Hmmm. Logging my food really opens my eyes to look more carefully at everything I put into my mouth. Didn’t realize that there are so many foods with loads of carbs!!!

I’m so happy that we’re close to SUMMER. My favorite season! I know the heat can suck at times but I love it because of flip-flops and shorts, swimming, green grass and full trees and I just feel so much more alive because of the SUN and how everything is so active during summer. Love it!

What a scattered post haha but best I could come up with. Think tonight after Brad gets home and we sit down to eat dinner, I’m gonna watch a Netflix movie online. Possibly Enchanted or Made of Honor – both of which I really want to see or possibly Happy Feet! Also want to see that one to see the cute animated penguins! Anyhow, have a good night everyone!