Oooh I am so loving reading the 1st Twilight book so far!! I’ve been reading it every chance I can get and It’s actually interesting to be able to compare it to the movie! I cannot wait to read and SEE the New Moon book and movie! Can’t wait to feed, bathe and put Katie to bed so I can read some more before cooking dinner tonight.

Thank YOU all for the comments!!!

Sigh. I weighed myself this morning and didn’t lose any weight this week. Same thing happened 2 weeks ago and I’m thinking I might have done TOO much on the exercise bike so I’m hoping the schedule I try next week will get me some weight lost but I AM happy with what I got accomplished this week!!!

I’m eating some yummy sour yogurt bits but boy are they tangy!! There’s a line of storms moving towards our way for tonight but doesn’t look like anything too bad.. atleast I hope not. OH OH does anyone watch the TV shows Bones? OMG we watched this weeks episode last night and I have to say It was probably the BEST episode YET. Atleast for this season! I”m excited for next weeks season finale. Next week ALL of my shows are coming to an end for the summer. BOO!