Yesterday was such a great day!!!!! Of course I had a very enjoyable time at church and afterwards, Brad had to go to someone’s house for church duties so I came home to put Katie down for a nap then eat some lunch. When he got home, we were just hanging out and we’re trying to closer to a younger couple from our church and they were wanting to come over last night to hang out for a bit but their car quit on them! They made it back home safely though and their actually gonna try to drop by maybe sometime this late afternoon or evening so I hope they can and their car doesn’t quit on them again. Their brand new in the church and so I want to make sure they get fellowship as they should! Brad wanted to go out last night into our yard to lay on a blanket and watch the stars so we did just that. It was wonderful! Also, there was a big pretty moth that landed on me! As he crawled on my arm, he felt so soft! He flew away but I loved that. We spent a good long while out there before heading back inside. We were both exhausted by the time we went to bed!

This morning, we got up later than usual but It felt soooo good to get a little extra sleep. Eventually got Katie up to take care of her then got her set up to watch a cartoon movie while I did my exercise. Brad left to go run errands and I got some treadmill time in!!! I did a little over 3 miles in 45 minutes, WOOTS. Fed Katie a snack then we all headed outside for a bit to let Katie roam around. I fed her some juice and water when I brought her in then laid her down for a nap. Got a shower and Brad headed out to drive about 45 minutes to where the Army recruiter office is. They want to weigh him again and see where he stands since It’s been about 2 weeks? I think? Since the last time he went up there. I’ve eaten lunch, got a few things done online and am going to fix my hair soon… might also lay down for just a little.

I’m finally starting to feel like myself again!!!! I’d like to lose about 17 pounds and I WILL! I lost over 100 pounds so I know If I work hard, those 17 pounds will be gone! I’d like to get to 130 and I feel that’s where I need to be. The lowest I’ve EVER gotten is 135 so I’ll just strive for it! God is good. I’m so thankful!