I’m GOING to figure all this hormonal imbalance out!!! I started reading a little bit of Jillian Micheal’s Master Your Metabolism online and I’m really interested because It talks all about hormonal imbalance and how to set it straight no matter If something is too high, too low or whatever It may be.

My MAIN enemies right now that I need to really limit myself away from are: peanut butter, Cheerios and mixed nuts! They are really healthy for me but not in the quantities I’ve been consuming and everything I’ve read lately says that overeating only throws the hormonal imbalance more out of whack… oh fun! SO my goals right now stand as: drink plenty of water (I haven’t been drinking quite as much as I should lately), eat more fruits and veggies! I plan on buying more next time we go shopping since I LOVE all diff kinds. Start buying multivitamins again since If I’m lacking in anything, that will help make up for that. Of course I need to try to elevate my appetite, keep my calories in a steady, healthy range and make SURE to get enough healthy fats since that was PART of the whole thing that got me into this MESS in the first place! I’ve done great today and I actually feel a little better because of it. I’m still getting night sweats a little along with a few random hot flashes and my heart still randomly will flutter really fast but I’m really looking forward to the day when I can get this all straight and I KNOW I WILL. I will continue to research and see what I can find about low estrogen and progesterone.

I’ve my own little wish list of things I’d like that I can dream of having, right???
hair straightener. i bought a new one a while back but it’s a diff brand and i dont like it
blow dryer. mine has about had it!
new earrings. preferrably heart earrings! <3
vaccum cleaner. we’ve had the same tiny yellow vaccum cleaner since we got married, haha!
digital camera. grrr. our little kodak easyshare most of the time won’t turn on and keeps resetting = annoying!
NEW COMPUTER CHAIR. yes, desperately. ive had the same chair since Christmas of 1999 and the poor ole thing has seen BETTER DAYS. brad “attempted” a while back to put “stuffing” in it and now it’s.. really falling apart.

While we’re talking about wish lists and foods… while I’m babbling I thought I’d mention foods that I wish I had a lifestyle supply of:
sweet potatoes. because they rock and are so nutritious!
GREEK YOGURT. creamy. delicious. end of story!
peaches. i was raised in the state of peaches after all!
apples. yes, please. juicy apples, ftw.

What’s on your wish list at the moment? What foods do you want a lifetime supply of? I doubt anyone will comment since my blog isn’t exactly jumpin with activity but hey, lol. Nothing big happened today in our house except Katie got to watch Rocko’s Modern Life on Netflix, which, is my favoooorite childhood cartoon! I took a nap and am getting ready to cook dinner soon. That’s about it.