I’m gonna keep this short tonight… I’m pretty tired! We all were tired this morning seeing as we all slept later than usual which was awesome!!!!!! It’s feel SO LOVELY outside! It was in the 60’s with a NICE breeze! Brad left this morning to go start working on the car with a church friend at his house. Before he left, I went for my short run outside and with a sweater on! It was a pretty good run but I had to stop and walk part of the way back since my lungs aren’t used to that cool of air outside. I got back and took a shower then Brad left. I got my hair fixed then called a church friend to take me to run errands!

Today I…
went to the bank
paid our eletric bill
went grocery shopping
Not just ANY grocery shopping… I GOT TO ALL BY MYSELF! Our church friend had Katie in her buggy just strollin around the store while I got our usual. It was greaaaaaaaat. We came back to the house and she helped me unload the groceries then was on her way! I fed Katie then put her down for a nap.
This evening I…
did a load of laundry
chopped up fruits/veggies
got our chicken ready for this week
downloaded my online work
TA-DA! I was so tired espically after all that so I went to lay down at 5PM and didn’t get up till 6:30PM! Katie was still asleep and Brad came home not long after that. Katie got up a bit later and I fed her and we’ve been hanging out. Katie’s been having tummy issues so she’s on the potty but can’t seem to go and It’s getting late so I’m about to put her to bed.

Oh.. they thought Mom would get to come home from the hospital today but did more tests to find out her colon is bleeding so guess we’ll see what happens next! Just gotta pray. Katie’s going to bed then I’m getting dessert and we’re gonna study some scripture. Ooh I love these cool days and nights.