Don’t ask me why I named this groovy… lol. I was trying to come up with a title to do with music and GROOVIN and GROOVY came into my mind so there ya haveeeee it. SO last night Brad and I were debating on what we wanted to watch and decided upon The Last Exorcism. We watched the trailer and Brad said we would start watching it and if it seemed lame we’d turn it off but It kept us mostly interested… UP UNTIL THE END. Enter cult and demon baby… lulz! Yeah, that movie does not get a gold star. Or any star for that matter! I took my sinus/cold meds last night and woke up today feeling much better! Still random sniffles and a tiny, tiny sinus headache but not bad.

~ online work
~ listening to lots of music
~ watching lots of music videos online
~ random dancing around the house, whee
~ one episode of THE SECRET LIFE! yup. gotta get my dose!
~ soft hair! yes! my hair was softer today than it has been so that’s great.

Still keepin up with a higher protein lifestyle! I eat lentils with my eggs/cottage cheese mix since we didn’t get to buy any turkey sausage when we went shopping yesterday. I had my salad, beef liver and a KIWI for lunch! A bit later on I had chocolate protein oatmeal for a snack and my last snack tonight has been a small sweet potato AND CAN YA GUESS?? … dun dun dun! PEANUT BUTTER! Heh.

Last night was Tuesday AND YA KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? Tonight we watchhhhh BIGGEST LOSER! Wellllll, I gotta get Katie ready for bed soon then wait on my handsome looooovie to get home from work so we can EAT AND WATCH! Forever thankful, grateful and blessed!!!