FYI — this post is going to be boring! lol.

I got my college discussions done today!!!!! All I have left for the week’s assignments is a 10 mutiple choice quiz, that I will probably take tomorrow or Saturday. Then it will be onto another week of lots of history reading!

I mostly lounged around today. I’m trying to dig around more online to study hypothyroidism. Brad is downloading something for me about it! I won’t stop researching!!!

I took a chilly walk over to Mom’s house this evening and since I hadn’t eaten dinner, I had a scrambled egg, biscuit and sausage at her house. I came home and had some hot chocolate, but I’m still hungry. Sadly, we don’t really have much else than what will last us through tomorrow. Gotta figure up how much money we’ll have for the skim amount of groceries we’ll get tomorrow.

It’s okay. I know Heavenly Father will help us through anything and everything, as long as we hold onto faith and I am and will. That is FOR SURE. I wish Brad and I lived on our own land and had chickens, cows, and sheep. To have our own garden. We could grow our food and have fresh eggs and beef. I would LOVE to spend most of my time outside. That’s my dream, really. And to feel truly good again, to heal my thyroid and body. I will, somehow, someway, someday.