I am so GIDDY. Know why?!! Well, all of a sudden I am dropping weight! In the last few DAYS I’ve lost like 6 pounds! I know prob all that is water weight but I DON’T CARE! I don’t know what exactly is helping so much BUT I’M GONNA KEEP DOING WHAT IVE BEEN DOING DANGIT. We’ve been low on food so that helps, lol and I haven’t even been eating the healthiest! Maybe it’s the thyroid meds finally kicking in? Maybe it’s because I’m not taking Metformin anymore? WHO KNOWS, I’M JUST SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER HAPPY!!! I really hope it keeps going down….. and I need to get back into an exercise routine as well.

Rewind….. Hubby wasn’t feeling well last night, so he went to bed before I did! I wasn’t that sleepy so I watched almost an hour long video from DAN THE MAN on YouTube.. I seriously LOVE THAT MAN. So inspirational and uplifting and awesome. I wanna meet him and spend a MONTH eating veggies/fruits and green juices! That would ROCK. Anyhow. I didn’t go to bed till almost 1AM and even when I did go to bed, I tossed and turned and still wasn’t that sleepy. I’d say that’s a good sign that my body is getting straightened out, more energy??? I woke up this morning and after Brad left, I got up and surfed the web for a bit and by the time I had done that a while, I WAS STARVING!!!!!!!! so I toasted a piece of Brad’s bread, put a little syrup on it…. ate that then hopped back in bed until it was time to get up and get Katie ready, etc etc. She was so good for me this morning!!! She pulled out all her toys and sat on the floor and blabbed on and on… heh. I got some college work done, watched the LAST eppy of Secret Life for the 2ND TIME so I’m all done with the series again! Can’t WAIT for the new season in MARCH! RICKY AND AMY BOTH ARE SOOOOO HOT. Hah =)

After Katie went down for a short nap, I read on my college a little and was still quite hungry so I drank some milk and laid down for about 35 minutes or so. This evening we loaded up to go get groceries, since Brad got paid today. IT IS COLD OUT THERE. We *might* get a little snow and it’s DEFFO cold enough for it…. brrrrr. Went to Whole Foods first! Highlight goodies were….. walnut oil (SO. GOOD.), seaweed crackers, 3 Larabars, my yummy greek probiotic yogurt, 2 KOMBUCHA drinks, GLUTEN-FREE pancake mix, and Brad bought us both some Vitamin C tablets to help our sickness. Mine seems to be getting better, but Brad is getting worse I think. Katie is still coughing, but not as much. Off to Wal-Mart to eat at the Subway inside….. we were going for the $2 December special subs, BUT THEY WERE ALL OUT, BOOOO. Sooo Brad got his footlong and I got a 6-inch, while Katie had the yogurt parfait, that she calls “ice cream”, lol. That’s all she kept saying when we walked into Subway, haha.

After we ate……. shopping! Highlights from Wal-Mart: chocolate antioxidant trail mix, big bag of baby raw CARROTS, selenium supplement, raspberry vinagerette dressing (to make salads!), canned and frozen vegs, and a bunch of other stuff! Those are just some of my main mentions.

I MUST HURRY !!! It’s getting late and I still have to check up on Facebook + a few bloggies before watching the latest……… BIGGEST LOSER! Been looking forward to watching it all day, woots. Hope everyone has an awesome night!