This health journey has helped me obtain so much information about the human body, how the body works, how it reacts to factors, and so much much much more.

I understand that when you change WHAT YOU EAT, you change WHO YOU ARE. Food is so much more than just something we put into our bodies, it helps us mold ourselves. Fruits and veggies are the best for helping the body. If you pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you, then you can change your whole life… BUT you have to become AWARE.

Aware that our modern world has become about MONEY AND PILLS, instead of healing naturally. If I would of never looked into natural healing when I first got sick… I would still be lost and hopeless, thinking that I would never get better and be stuck in an endless cycle of misery! NOPE, there is a whole WORLD OF NATURAL MEDICINE OUT THERE that can help lots of people with all their illnesses and ailments. Including, like in my case, AUTOIMMUNE disfunction!

My message to everyone is that if you think you are stuck with pills the rest of your life, and that you may never feel better again….. THERE IS HOPE IN NATURAL MEDICINE! Your average Docs and specialist don’t get into natural meds because they rely on getting those PILLS out. The majority anyway. I’m not saying your average Docs are bad, no. I’m just saying that when you are dealing with an illness or disease that your average Doc says isn’t cureable, or that you’re just plain crazy (like I’ve been told!).. just know that THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE.

Well, I haven’t been sticking to my new diet fully yet, but I will get there. I finished up my college stuff this morning and woke up with a sore throat. Sigh. Katie has a slight cold and any time she gets sick…….. GUESS who else almost automatically gets sick?! Yup, me. With my weak immune system. I really hope this just passes because I don’t want to be sick again. Please.. :(

Katie just went down for nap, and I don’t feel that well so I think I’m gonna go just chill out and lay down in bed. I usually take a hot bath and watch One Tree Hill but meh, I just don’t feel like it. Of course we’re going out for our usual Friday shopping this evening. I guess if me and Katie get worse by Sunday then we’ll have to stay home from church.

Away I go! Have a great Friday.