WOOO I ran 4 miles in 45 minutes this morning, YES! Super stoked about that! I got Brad to take some action shots of me while I was running (as seen on my dailybooth for today) and I thought that was neat. This evening Katie took a LONG nap so we had to wait for her to wake then we went to buy groceries.

For the most part of today I’ve been trying to figure out my calories in and out difference. I found this GREAT post someone made on Calorie Count on how to figure it all up exactly. EXCELLENT. You can check out the link HERE. I know exactly what my problem has been lately. I wait TOO long to eat in the afternoons. I eat lunch around 2:30-3:00PM and then go all the way till 6-7PM before eating and I always get hungry and sluggy but always make myself wait. Yes, I’m that stubborn but I must stop! I’ve got to force my snacks earlier and spread out the rest. What I’ve been doing is cramming all of my snacks real close together closer to dinner when I should be evening them out throughout the afternoon and evening. I did that today! I ate some cheerios and nuts at 5pm then on the way home from the store I ate a Soyjoy berry bar and I can totally tell a difference JUST because I ate at 5pm. I LOVE LOVE the Calorie Differential Report that Sparkpeople has. It shows me exactly how much in and how much out to give me the difference. I really, really, really want to get a FIT BIT to see and keep track of how many “extra” calories I burn just from moving around all day to add that to my exercise calories that I burn to get a better idea. For now and instead – for today I wore my step counter! That’s one step closer to finding out how much I burn from daily walking and whatnot and so far I’ve done a little over 4 miles!!

HAPPY MARCH! Really excited that it’s March because.. a) closer to SPRING, b) mine and Brad’s birthdays, c) hoping and PRAYING to get to visit my Mom this month. We might get snow flurries tomorrow?? Noooo, go away WINTER! Alright, time to get dinner started and eat on my yogurt, nuts and fruit – YUMMO! What is/did everyone have/having for dinner??? We’re having TUNA HELPER and I’m adding VEGGIES to mine!