I talked to my Mom (aka Grandma who raised me) on the phone yesterday for a bit. See, we were hoping to help her save money so she could move from Georgia to here this August. I started a conversation about her moving down here and she said that honestly, she’s not sure If she can physically or financially. Her health is getting worse… I’m so worried about her. She tends to not tell me exactly what’s going on until something really bad comes up. She’s really anemic and keeps losing blood somehow (I’m guessing ulcers in her stomach like always) and she may have to go the hospital next week and get blood. It really sucks because I was wanting her to move down here to be closer to me and Katie. Plus I would have a full time babysitter who has the same views on parenting and on what Katie can and can’t do. So I’m a bit bummed about that but I know It’ll all work out, I have faith in that much. I told her we’d pay for her to help move then she went on a spill about how she knows we have to pay for other things but I had already planned to put money aside just to help her move. I don’t want her to move though If it’s gonna be too much for her and I think It would be.. as hard as it is to admit to that.

Half of this week I have felt SO drained and my energy was not hardly there at all. I think It’s from the hardcore exercise I did the previous week plus running around last Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday. I finally feel good today and almost back to my energizer bunny self, haha. It felt great to get the house cleaned today. I did a bit of extra cleaning compared to what I usually do including: cleaning the microwave, the bottom drawer in the fridge and corner areas on the kitchen floor that were dirty. It’s refreshing to have everything clean! I’m excited for church tomorrow since I get to teach Sunday school to the Youth! Then I think our friends from church are going to come hang out at our house afterwards to play some games!!!

I bought some chocolate Oikos greek yogurt the last time we went shopping and WOW, that is delicious. I also have a new favorite fruit… FRESH peaches. I LOVE the texture so I’m gonna have to start stocking up on those when we go grocery shopping. The fresh ones taste so much better than canned. ALSO excited because we’re having leftover steak, shrimp and southwestern style corn. We had it earlier this week and It was enough for 2 meals so even better. Brad is going by the church tonight to clean since It was our week to clean it but we’ve been so busy that we didn’t get a chance earlier this week so he’s gonna go get that done after he gets off work.

No matter what life throws at me, I always search for the good in it. It’s hard sometimes but It always helps me to remember to be thankful for everything I DO have in my life. I’m so thankful for God and for reshaping my life.