I knew It was going to be in the 70’s today so after the usual morning routine of breakfast, exercise and taking care of Katie, her and I went to attempt a walk outside. We crossed sidewalks and Katie sat down. Got her back up and she tried to sit again so I carried her back to our backporch where we basked in the WARM, wonderful sun for about 40 minutes. Of COURSE coming inside resulted in a full-blown temper tantrum from a tired little girl. Oh how I did look forward to nap time! Today was beautiful and guess what is in store for tomorrow…? Drum roll please…… THUNDERSTORM. Ugh. We get 2 nice days and the rain has to come back. That’s the usual with “spring” weather so I’m ready for SUMMER.

This evening a lady from church came by to talk to me for a bit and It was so nice to have company and just talk for a bit!! She left just before 6pm and I’ve just been fixing snacks, hanging out with Katie and listening to music. She’s currently playing in the floor with her blocks babbling, heh. FORGOT to mention yesterday that I BOUGHT NEW MOOOOOOOON! I still haven’t seen it so I cannot wait to have the time to sit and watch it! I want to watch them both though.. both Twilight and New Moon so I’m not sure when I’ll have the time to do that but I’m excited haha. Then I’m gonna eventually buy the book as well.

I think I need to look into some smaller pants! I’ve been wearing a size 10 but all the pants I wear always wind up sliding down when I walk and yes, I could wear a belt but I don’t like them. I should of looked at the mall when we were there Monday but I didn’t think about it then. The lady that came over today and saw the pictures of me on our living room wall — pictures from around my highest weight and she said she couldn’t believe that was me! I know the feeling but I was that weight for a long time so to have this new lifestyle and new weight is like a WONDERFUL breathe of FRESH, FRESH air. I still have my struggles! In fact, last weekend I ate more than I should have but all healthy choices! Just a bit more. I’m trying to make myself eat snacks earlier in the afternoon rather than cramming them all before dinner. It’s a habit I’ve formed so like any habit, I have to work to break it and so far this week I’ve done that. I got back on the bike today for my workout! I didn’t do it last Wednesday since I was so intent on trying out the Wii Active More Workouts game. Bob Harper posted a challenge on his twitter today for 10 miles on a stationary bike so I wanted to mee that goal!!! I usually do around 6-10 miles and wound up with 10.2 miles in 17 minutes which is pretty good for me. I actually enjoy doing my exercise because used to I would dread it when It was time to workout but once I became accustomed to my workouts and routines I began to love it.

Oookie, I’m gonna call my Mommy and talk to her for a bit before I put Katie to bed! Have a lovely night!