The greatest wealth is health

It’s so true!!! I did not treat my health as top priority in the ways of eating for a long time. I used to sit around all day and constantly go to the fridge and get something else to eat. We used to eat every Friday night at McDonalds where I would get a used-to-be favorite combo of mine.. ranch chicken sandwich with a small order of mcnuggets plus a drink. Sometimes I would eat 4-5 ice cream sandwiches for dessert and then still be searching for something to eat. I’m so glad I changed my attitude about my health and eating because If I don’t have my health then I don’t have my life!!! I remember when I was “attempting” exercise and how It felt going over to my Mother In Laws house to use the treadmill. I started out at 2.0 MPH I think and at the time only a few minutes of walking would put my legs and thighs into a burning pain because of the weight but I kept going. NOW I can run up to 8.0 MPH so far and look back at that 2.0 MPH and have to grin because of all I have worked so hard to accomplish. I’m gonna make sure to keep this healthy lifestyle I have shaped for myself and I think everyone should strive to do the same for their own lives because our bodies are so important. Our HEALTH is so important!

“And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.” ~ D&C 89:19-21

It was another busy yet satisfying day! I usually only do 45 minutes or so of exercise on Wednesdays but I did 15 extra minutes on the bike so I did an hour!!! Also did some misc floor exercises inbetween my resistance rope workout and the bike. SQUEEEEE. Brad has set a goal for himself to do 50 push ups a day this week so I’m excited for him!!! I’ve got some online work I need to be working on but wanted to post my daily entry and with that, I’m out!